Monday, January 28, 2008

post numero dos

On the website blurb, I checked out many previews for fine art photography. I came across a bunch that were sub-par, but a few really caught my attention. The book Places and Faces by Ross Buchanan has some really colorful landscape photos in it. Ross has taken some really good reflection pictures. Other books I viewed were Being There by Justin Borucki. This was a collection of photographs from concerts and venues all having to do with music. The book showed images of bands such as Rancid, Lenny Kravitz, Sonic Youth, and Redman. Most of the work on this site seems pretty amateur, mostly just a lot of photos from family trips and what have you. You really have to search to find some good work. Other work that caught my eye included work by Mark Weverling.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey man!
Somehow i found your blog and your comment about my work! Ha! Great!
Check my site if you like:

Mark Weverling